Focus T25

FOCUS T25 is a 25 minute workout that pushes you as hard or even harder than any hour-long workout you've ever done. This workout will have you dripping in sweat in about 10 minutes and completely done once you hit 25 minutes. It's short, but intense.

Building Your Foundation

Your transformation starts with the Alpha Cycle, five 25 minute workouts to help build your foundation. 

  1. Cardio- 25 minutes of calorie-burning, sweat-drenching cardio.
  2. Speed 1.0-  Fast paced for fast results. Burn fat!
  3. Total Body Circuit- Focus on strength and resistance without lifting a single weight.
  4. Ab Intervals- Cardio and ab intervals that help shred fat from your midsection.
  5. Lower Focus- Focus on your lower body muscles, this is the key to burning fat.

5 Weeks Later

5 weeks later you're ready to begin the Beta Cycle.

  1. Core Cardio- This progressive cardio-core workout will get you shredded fast.
  2. Speed 2.0- Calorie-burning, core-focused speed drills.
  3. Rip't Circuit- Cardio, upper body, legs, and abs. The key to getting ripped in 25 minutes.
  4. Dynamic Core- Go from vertical to horizontal and back again in this dynamic, crazy core workout.
  5. Upper Focus- Create the upper body of your dreams, just FOCUS. 

Tools To Make Every Minute Count

  • Quick-Start Guide- FOCUS T25 is fast and furious, and so is this guide. 
  • The Get It Done Nutrition Plan- Makes eating right easy. All the recipes have just 5 ingredients and take just 5 minutes of prep. 
  • The ALPHA-BETA Wall Calendar- Shows you which workout to do each day, as you get one step closer to that ripped body you want.