Building Your Foundation
Your transformation starts with the Alpha Cycle, five 25 minute workouts to help build your foundation.
- Cardio- 25 minutes of calorie-burning, sweat-drenching cardio.
- Speed 1.0- Fast paced for fast results. Burn fat!
- Total Body Circuit- Focus on strength and resistance without lifting a single weight.
- Ab Intervals- Cardio and ab intervals that help shred fat from your midsection.
- Lower Focus- Focus on your lower body muscles, this is the key to burning fat.
5 Weeks Later
5 weeks later you're ready to begin the Beta Cycle.
- Core Cardio- This progressive cardio-core workout will get you shredded fast.
- Speed 2.0- Calorie-burning, core-focused speed drills.
- Rip't Circuit- Cardio, upper body, legs, and abs. The key to getting ripped in 25 minutes.
- Dynamic Core- Go from vertical to horizontal and back again in this dynamic, crazy core workout.
- Upper Focus- Create the upper body of your dreams, just FOCUS.
Tools To Make Every Minute Count
- Quick-Start Guide- FOCUS T25 is fast and furious, and so is this guide.
- The Get It Done Nutrition Plan- Makes eating right easy. All the recipes have just 5 ingredients and take just 5 minutes of prep.
- The ALPHA-BETA Wall Calendar- Shows you which workout to do each day, as you get one step closer to that ripped body you want.