Insanity Max 30

Insanity Max 30 is a half an hour of pure intensity. No weights, no equipment. Just the equipment in your mind and body.

What You Get

With Insanity Max 30 you will get 12 killer Cardio and Tabata strength workouts.

Month 1

  1. Cardio Challenge- 30 minutes of the hardest cardio sequences ever tried.
  2. Sweat Intervals- 30 minutes of screaming, sweating, calorie-burning madness.
  3. Tabata power- During these 30 minutes your muscles will be begging you for mercy as your strength training starts with Tabata-style "20 seconds on, 10 seconds off" power moves.
  4. Tabata Strength- 30 minutes with no rest, Tabata-style workout.
  5. Friday Fight: Round 1- A 30 minute battle between your body and your mind as you fight in the max out challenge.

Month 2

  1. Max Out Cardio- Possibly the craziest 30 minute cardio workout you've ever tried.
  2. Max Out Sweat- The more minutes you make it through, the more you'll sweat and the more calories you'll burn. 30 minutes- double the sweat in half the time.
  3. Max Out Power- 30 minutes, but the intervals are longer in this "45 seconds on, 15 seconds off" Tabata-style plyometric power madness.
  4. Max Out Strength- During this 30 minute workout you will be focusing on your arms, shoulders, chest, and core. 
  5. Friday Fight: Round 2- The new "hardest workout ever". Every move is a minute in this fight between your body and your mind.

Bonus Workouts

  • Pulse- Recovery workout. A combination of stretching and small "pulsing" movements that'll definitely make you feel the burn. 
  • Ab Attack- This 10 minute routine will feel like an attack on your abs, by the rock hard results are incredible. 

Tools To Help Guarantee Success 

  • Nutrition To The Max Guide- No complicated diets or restricted meals plans, just simply guiding you on how to eat foods you love while still getting the results you want.
  • Max Out Guide- This book is short and sweet, but tells you everything you need to know to get maximum results with Insanity Max 30. 
  • Max Out Wall Calendar and Max Out Tracker- This fat-burning, muscle-shaping program is designed for you! Find out which workout you should be doing each day along with the times you should be doing it for the best results. 
  • No Time To Cook Guide- This guide covers everything about eating on-the-go. You'll know exactly how to fuel your body while still staying on track.